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Re: god and felicity and meandering TV topics

At 01:19 PM 10/21/00 -0400, Cygnet wrote:
>just because they use Angels and talk about God, your
>average Christian Conservative thinks wow, I must 
>watch this show to support God.

um, God doesn't need support.  emotional, social,
TV ratings, or whatever.  God is God.  i know,
i'm being stupidly argumentative here, as you most
likely didn't mean that statement how i'm replying
to it.

"the God i worship isn't short of cash, mister."
                                  -bono, u2

...but, other than me being unnecessarily nitpicky, i 
agree with your statements about TV and whatnot. :)

personally, i watch TV very rarely.  simpsons, futurama,
xfiles (ie- sunday fox programming), and the occasional
craving to watch road rules or real world.  sorry, but 
they have me hooked until i cancel my cable service at
the end of this month.

but finding out that OtR is being played on felicity is
kinda cool, ya must admit.  along the same lines, i hear
a lot of bands that are not so well known in the bkgrnd
of eMpTyV: downset, buckethead, king's x, living sacrifice,
ty tabor, etc... it freaks me out sometimes hearing it
as background on a show.  it's just weird, ya know.

studiously aloof,

np: ani difranco - living in clip

+- Dan Temmesfeld   -  dtemm(at)yahoo(dot)com -+
    it's hard to taste the wine when you're
+-     drunk on the tears (bill mallonee)     -+

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