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re: sdre.

have i mentioned i hate the digest.  it's too much of a pain to respond to.  and what's up with
all that code at the end of those messages.  massages.  messangi.  kitsungari.


dan, i have one sdre album.  it is pink and an ep.  i love it.  you may borrow it.

dan, i feel that it would be necessary, perhaps, to make the trip to bogarts. i like them.  sdre,
not bogarts.  though i have no aversion to bogarts itself per se.  i'd just rather sit is all. 
maybe even on a washing machine.  could someone please play at sudsy's again?  like monk maybe.  i
like that monk guy.  he plays a mean guitar.

this new paul golightly guy has a fun name.  i hope he doesn't take kyle too seriously, though. 
kyle makes me laugh.  probably because he's never pissed me off.  but i think even if he had, i
could let it go because c.emery used to tell me i'm beautiful.

wow.  that was strange.

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