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Re: did anybody see the moon tonight?

--- Dan Temmesfeld <dantemm at erinet_com> wrote:

> full moon, sort of a reddish-orange (or maybe
> orangish-red).  really big,
> really cool.  so, anyway, i got to look at that all
> the way back from the
> grocery store.  did anyone else see it?

sorry, it's a bit too cloudly in my part of indiana to
see much of the sky. i've seen the moon like that
before. it looks very cool. sadly, thank polution and
dust in the atmosphere for that.

i also love it when the moon is barely a sliver,
hanging like a giant fingernail clipping in the sky. 

> i guess it was a good thing that i had to get new
> milk.

eh, i still have milk dated for last may. i guess i
should just pitch it, huh?

got bink?

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