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Re: tor-e

> >I thought Boys from Pele wasn't nearly as strong of 
> >an album as Little Earthquakes which just flows 
> >beautifully.

I used to think that too.  I bought Pele when it first came out, and
hated it after the firt couple of play throughs, so it sat on the shelf
for a couple of years.  Then one day I popped it in and everything just
clicked rigt for me.   Maybe I was just too young for it when it first
came out? (not that I'm terribly old now :-) I don't know.  But now, I
would definately say that Pele is my favorite Tori Cd.  Especially
"Father Lucifer" and "Blood Roses".   I spent a summer with those two on
constant repeat, I don't think anything else ever made it into the cd
player that summer.
	My all time favorite Tori song though, is from the Great Expectations
soundtrack - Siren.

they say I'm walking on freedom.
this is freedom?
now i know.
    -patty griffin

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