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RE: Before otr...

Ah, for the terrible, terrible glory days of pre-OtR...

Ove the Rhine was really almost at the beginning of my exploration of
music outside my then-narrow vision.  I had been brought up in a
somewhat-sheltered Evangelical Christian environment, and a great deal of
music had simply been filtered out as 'unchristian'.  I think Sherry and a
couple of other people from the very early days of this list have heard
most of this, so I'll forego the whole thing, but I actually listened to
80s Christian Smarm Rock (DeGarmo & Key, Carman, Petra) for quite some
time.  Probably the only artist from that time that I continue to listen
to at all may be that old daddy of literate acoustic folk adult
contemporary, Michael Card.  Well, that and U2 and Depeche Mode.

	I met OtR shortly after the first major blooming of my horizons,
which included Nine Inch Nails, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, the Choir, the 77's,
and Daniel Amos.  It was 1992 when I heard Karin's siren call first at
Cornerstone along with this odd band that nobody had ever heard of before
called the Vigilantes of Love.  And after that?  Well, it's been a mighty
fine ride...


O Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, Midrealm   )
O                      Conjuring Private Oceans since 1992                 X
O   "Break out the Honey mustard sauce, baby..." Diablo, www.goats.com     |

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