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Re: i am new...help me

On Tue, 6 Jun 2000 18:37:13 -0700 \"J. Eads\" <jeads at pond_net> wrote:

--what their best recordings are--

Good Dog Bad Dog...definitely Good Dog Bad Dog.  Or possibly Rumours.  But they didn\'t do that one, did they.  But I bet they own it.

--why you think they are cool/talented/amazing/etcetera whatever...--

Things like that can\'t be explained, they just are.  Although there is that whole Jack Kerouac thing.

--what do i have to know or have--

You must know basic math and how to read.
You must have a functioning lung or two, a beating heart, and a sufficient food supply.
Oh, yeah...it wouldn\'t hurt to have your own rabbit costume.

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