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<< Is Brian still playing drums with Monk? Is Mike G playing bass with them?
 Who plays bass and drums for Otr these days? Are they any good?
 Does Jack still have a skin-head or am I way behind the times?
 I really do hate Patience though, its twaddle.
 Ed Martin >>

1. yes Brian is on drums and Mike G is on bass for MONK with Josh Sercamp 
(sp?) on percussion. (all live).

2. David Labreyre, who you've heard live and in the studio with Monk (on the 
new album too a bit) and is Shawn Mullin's bassist, is laying down the bass 
for OTR and realy is AMAZING. Don Heffington, who has played with Dylan, 
Walflowers, Buddy Miller and a bunch others, is playing drums for OTR. the 
drumming is really laid back and is spot on but not the style or jazz of 

3. Jack skin head? hmmmm? Mike had/had a shaved head. Jack bas plenty of hair.

PATIENCE is pretty good, would be really good if it was rerecorded with 
better equipment.

Christopher F.
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