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Re: Small mind, will post, and post, and post ad nauseum

On 5/1/00 1:44 PM, madamethibaut at hotmail_com (madamethibaut at hotmail_com) 

>And have no fear. The members of Over the Rhine will never pay the least 
>mind to Kyle's comments. His audience is limited to the half dozen people 
>that find his low self-esteem amusing. And Kyle is amusing at times. Imagine 
>him accusing someone of trying too hard to be funny.

Excuse me, but please speak for yourself, not for me. I happen to adore 
Kyle, and while I find his on-list persona exasperating at times, I know 
that he DOES appreciate Over the Rhine, and he IS a very, very good soul. 
He just loves stirring us all up and, as several people have pointed out 
already, making us think.

Kyle, you ARE an ass sometimes, but I do love you.
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