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Re: gee, thanks....

You'd think I'd have gotten bored by now,
But the ignorant can be entertaining.

>>Don't ask questions you don't want the answers too
>Ah, but I know the answer already.

No you don't. Obviously. I know as  little about you as you do about me, and 
I'm still waiting for you to prove a damn thing you've said. Once again, HI. 
Welcome to the OTR fan list. We've done a lot of face to face stuff her, and 
a lot of us know each other a least a bit, you, on the otherhand, have shown 
yourself to be a judgemental stranger, who may not even know what and over 
the rhine disc looks like, so you've become an amusing critter to poke at 
with a reply button.

I know the type, you might think
>you are all rough and tough, but you are just a wanna-be at heart.  You 
>might appear to be the tough one among the self-proclaimed intellectuals 
>you hang out with normally, but fundamentally really no different than the 
>yuppies that put on their leather jackets and ride their hogs on weekends 
>but order a cosmopolitan with a twist at the biker bars.

Proof positive you don't know a frigging thing. Least not compared to anyone 
on this list who's met me.
Guinness and Bushmills anyone?

The bottom line is just because you dress like a
>biker and ride a harley, doesn't make you a hell's angel, know what I mean?

Apparently you're not.
Me? Got no bike, dress like freak, and all I got are the wings I left in my 
other coat.

>>Not like its ain't easy to find a crooked cop. Bad Law enforcement agent. 
>wooo, a doughnut joke, how original of you, how droll indeed.  but that 
>aside, that does that have anything to do with law enforcement agencies 
>frowning on vigilantism?
Rodney king. Cops who only rate doughnut jokes. That was for the benefit of 
the people on digest who have to skim through this crap. Thought by this 
point they could use a cheap laugh. That's apoint about vigilantism. Not 
caring about cops, but caring about how poorly justice is ever served by the 
forces entrusted to do so

>>And what gives you any grounds to judge? Like you've shown any evidence of
>>ever putting your ovaries on the line.
>You don't know what I do for a living, or even if I have any ovaries to 
>begin with for that matter.
Androgenous git says what?

>>And that's not a threat. It's just an advisement to your oh so cherished
>>survival instinct. Ignorance like to get your butt shot off.
>Been there, done that.  I've been in the middle of more scrapes than your 
>little ass has, well, probably not that little :)

Don't know if it's little or not. They just tell me its cute.

And yours has apparently been shot off.

So I you may have been in more scares than me (that would take 25+ years to 
decide) but I'll lay odds you learned a lot less than I did in the doing

>>Apparently you've ruled out, Miss Adrian, that just because she's a girl,
>>she can't grok brotherhood, or trust?
>>I take it you belive backstabbing is an occupational trait?
>Personally, if my life is on the line, I would not want a female backing me 
>up. Most of them who want to join the "fraternity" of men such as 
>firefighters or cops tend to be too gungho about everything, trying to 
>prove they can do everything a guy can do and end up overcompensating which 
>can get people killed.

That was possibly the most sexist, insipid, asinine, uninformed, and flat 
out dumb thing I've heard since the Iran-Contra scandal.

>and only friends can stab you in the back, and I don't make friends at 
You apparently don't do it online either
(and all that deserved was the cheap shot it got)

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