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Pass the drugs, please

Amsterdam seems fine, and they're all drugged up all the time.  It seems a 
blurry line to different folks as to what should constitute an illegal drug. 
  I'm all for legalizing marijuana and ecstacy, and keeping alcohol legal.  
The rest I could probably be swayed into believing it should be legal too.

That said, I find Kyle's general argument valid, but would suggest higher 
penalties on the producers instead of the users.  It seems the same for 
guns.  In intelligent bits of the planet where guns are outlawed, gun crime 
per capita is quite low.



Brian wrote:

hi  kyle.  that's one interesting approach to the drug issue.  kinda
unrealistic.  you might as well lament the cold and snow.  it ain't gonna go

i think we should go around and execute all people with severe traffic
violations;  that way we will deal with alot of irresponsible people who are
potentially responsible for the huge amount of traffic related deaths.

i also think we should execute all depressed teenagers, because man,
depressed teenagers are a threat to society and themselves.  they have a
higher crime rate.  also, teenage suicide is a big problem and i think that
execution would be a good way to prevent it.

maybe not. . .


>From: "Kyle Howe" <howe.38 at osu_edu>
> >Hi, Kyle.  A socially active, anti-drug message?  The hive mind did not
> >expect this.  :)
>very much so anti-drug...if i had my say, there wouldn't be a safe place on
>this earth for drug dealers, producers and users, especially the users.  i
>think we will suspend the due process in case of drug crimes (dealers and
>users) and just do summary executions on the spot.  shut off the demand, 
>supply will go away.  of course we could also use satellites to locate
>various drug producing plant fields and put our navy to work.  but we would
>never go for such a drastic measures, and that's why we fail :)  happy
>thoughts for the day.

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