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So... I live in Vermont, now.

Hello, old friends.

I miss you.

Life lately has been one cartwheel after another, at work and at Work
and at home and with my family and I think things are going to get
even crazier before they settle down.  Personal bits:

Brucey and Jay--I'm sorry I dropped my tribute plans, and I wish that
I spoke with you more often.

Jessyka--If you don't have those chord progressions already, I /will/
e- them to you as soon as things settle down here.  I apologise for my
slowness in responding to your very polite and patient requests.

Mr. Chris--It's good to see you driveling again.  I missed you.

JG--Please tell D.M. he needs to visit Vermont more often.

Miss Jen--You are still, and always, radiant and wonderful.  I feel
blessed to have spoken with you over the past few weekends, however

Bink--Where are you?!

And, for anyone who cares, I will be moving to Vermont later on today.
If you want to send money or encouraging words, the new addy is:

Amy (Raven) Macrellis
9 Elm Terrace
Burlington, VT 05401
e-mail stays the same for now,phone number is by request.

Did I mention how much I miss you guys?

Hugs and much love,

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