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Re: and--

Man, I am so with you here.  For years I have been under a quite unnecessary pressure.  Am I gonna use my gifts and talents here or there?  Full time student minister or public school teacher?  It's been driving me crazy thinking that I'm supposed to do one of them, or something similar.  If I don't, my life is a waste.  I feel quite differently now.  Now I'm contemplating moving away from this God-forsaken city, going back to the county, getting some sort of enjoyable but less crucial to the fate of mankind job, and enjoying a laid back life.  (Time to read, write, read, write, read & write.) I can then do whatever ministry type stuff I feel led to do as a layperson, or - better yet - just as a person in the community.  I think I figured out that instead of being under pressure to make sure my career/vocation glorifies God, I need to concentrate on making my life glorify God.  I don't need to career to do that.  
Anyway...just a thought.


On Sat, 4 Mar 2000 15:50:10 -0600 Patchin Group <cpatch at utelco_tds.net> wrote:

> From: Dusty Volume
> But what we need
> are more Christians who are willing to find their niche and become they
> can be as a doctor, or psychologist, or restaurant owner.

Or how about those who aren't so "prominent"? What about a midwife? A
secretary? A fireman? A mom who stays home with her kids? A factory worker?
Their jobs may seem more "humble" than the doctor, psychologist, owner,
etc., but they certainly can find their niche and witness and serve. They
express their "art" in more subtle ways. Yet these expressions are essential
to the whole, along with the "overt" ones.

I'm not disagreeing at all with what you said...I'm just expounding.

Sorry if I'm behind with all this; I'm only just trudging through these
masses of discussion...

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