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Re: @@@ band to band combat; anne e. dechant @@@


> > Freshwater Collins
> Hey, You just reminded me that I have this CD.  lemme go fetch it...

gotta love this list!  i knew somebody in here  would find something in
there.   now, the way this band to band combat thing works, as i understand
it,  is that the winners of the regions  (the ones mentioned earlier)
travel to open for the winners of the other regions  at  a band to band
combat sponsored concert.   for example,  detroit's  19 wheels is going to
open for cleveland's  anne e.  at an akron gig on st. patrick's  day,    and
then anne e.  is gonna travel to washington d.c.  on the 15th of April to
open for the excentrics  {sic}.
so......it seems likely that mark's band,  freshwater  collins,  from
milwaukee,  might link up with,  oh,  maybe,  the swinging lovehammers from
chicago,  or even   mesh from  st. louis.
then mark,    assuming now that he might live in the greater .milwaukee area
(since these are local bands and he found that cd in his local shop,  but
i've added 2 +2 before and came up with something other than 4, so there is
some margin for error,  but wait!  that isn't the point anyway!)   could go
see two of these bands at a local gig.   wouldn't that be fun?   (yes.)

Or Ysoie might get to catch her Philly   K-Floor with yummy NYC's  Swelter

Or California Steve who seems to live all over California according to my
geography skills,  could see all those bands!  now i'm just being silly so i
think it's time  I shut up.    you get the idea.

now that somebody has replied to this about freshwater collins,  now i'm
gonna have to pay special attention to the f c  track on the disc.
"freshwater collins is a versatile and explosive Milwaukee act that hammers
out a fluid  blend of dirty blues,  tight funk and velvety jazz.     throw
in a rock 'n' roll backbone, and the result is a tantalizing blend of catchy
melodies and infectious  grooves."      so says the liner notes from the b
to b c  cd.   copyright lawyers will have to sue me,  i guess.
mark,  whatd'ya think?   does that sound like your EP?

Do infectious grooves have to be placed in that special red bag?

i really am gonna shut up now.  g'night.


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