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RE: ya know what gets me....

Sorry, can't let this one go. I'll wager there's a whole army of us
type Christians who still have pierced ears and can sing along with the
chorus of 'Bawitdaba' who would really appreciate it if you would please
clarify that you are not speaking for us.  I reserve the right to do that
for myself.

Is Over the Rhine a Christian band?  What the heck does that mean?

Are Karin and Linford Christians?  YES.  How do I know?  Because they openly
profess it.  Not only that, they reflect in in their lives, their words, and
their work.  Their ability to incorporate the hard questions and lack of
answers into their work and minds does nothing to compromise this.  All of
life is lived under the gaze of God, including honest questioning.

Do I agree with every single spiritual/Christian view expressed by K&L.  No,
but I can't even say that about my father or my pastor - sometimes even
myself.  I will dare to say that I would probably find more in agreement
with them than with Plain Jane.

Does any of this effect my enjoyment of the 'greatest band never heard?" 
Usually not.

Why is it that the "are they Christian" issue never comes up until some
"Christian" calls it into question?  It's really just not an issue.  Please
let it just not be an issue.  If you believe, as I do, that your
Christianity is a vital, life or death issue, then you should understand
that it is much too important to use as a ping-pong ball in such trivial
things as the always and ever asenine "is that singer a Christian" game.

Stepping down from his wobbly soap-box,


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