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Re: Madeleine L'Engle

> > for all of you who are into Schaeffer and Dillard etc, are you also
> > readers of Madeleine L'Engle?
> I'll toss out one other name...anyone here a reader of G.K. Chesterton?

Dillard is a powerful writer, but almost *too* powerful.  I find her work to be
a little too dark for my tastes.  As far as L'Engle goes, "A Wrinkle In Time" was
one of my favorite books as a child, but, oddly, I've never pursued any of
her other works.

I've read Chesterton's "The Man Who Was Thursday", which was magnificent.  Since
reading it I've been dying to get my hands on some more of his stuff, but my sad
little local library doesn't have anything, and I just haven't had the cash to
splurge.  Any recommendations?

Paul Christian Glenn pcg at mailandnews_com
Eon Chamber http://eonchamber.virtualave.net
Christian Realists http://x-real.firinn.org

Currently Reading: "The Fated Sky" by Henrietta Branford

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