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Re: moth

hello, all!
welcome home, jeni. =)

all of this discussion about "moth" by jeni and mark caused me to go back to 
look at the lyrics (it's one of those songs i don't know very well yet), and 
now i'm thinking all kinds of things about the necessity of painful 
sacrifice in order to ultimately achieve peace and hope:

"isaac's knife can cut away all the poisoned yesterdays and the anger
ease it down into the ocean let it drown
as far as east is from the west I let you go
I know it's best
and my answer to the years of strife is the way I choose to live my life
it isn't suffering you fear but loss"

these words have been pretty real in my life for awhile--there are so many 
things that we cling to, refusing to loosen our grip on... as the song seems 
to imply, it 's not the actual process of letting go that frightens me, but 
the actual loss of things that only serve to poison my spirit, whether those 
things be relationships, values, or even material possessions...  but 
there's also an element of hope--"my answer...is the way i choose to live my 
life..."  there is intense empowerment in knowing that we can consciously 
*choose* to embrace sacrifice in order to finally reach a point of true 

so i know that this really doesn't have much to do with what jeni and mark 
had to say, but they've inspired me.  =)

>You know, I think what's cools about interpretation is
>that a song could mean something totally different to
>many people (and I don't think our ideas are totally
>different, Mark), and still be valid and contextually
>based.  Who knows what people mean EXACTLY when they
>write things.  If Linford and Karin wrote so that we
>could understand without thinking much, we probably
>wouldn't like it much.

precisely.  and if all of you on this list didn't challenge me to think (at 
least occasionally), i wouldn't be here.

>You know, I am crying buckets over not being able to
>afford the Calvin college faith and writing

my tears are blending with yours', jeni...not only is anne lamott absolutely 
wise and incredible and honest and funny, but chaim potok is going to be 
there, too!

what a lovely sunday...

where are the rest of you?  i know we have a number of great thinkers out 


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