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Re: Till we have faces


> i'm recording TWHF on my laptop and i'm wondering what the name of track
> is. Accoring to CDDB.com it is "Downfall II - Unlisted".
> Is this the real name or has anybody better suggestions?

i kinda like  "Track 17"

but then,  i wanted to name my dogs  Dog, Dog #2, Dog #3, etc.  and my kats
Kat,  Kat #2.   I was over-ruled on that idea by the wife and kid.   (who,
by the same type of over-ruling, are not Wife  and Kid).   Seems in the last
coupla weeks we have been graced with another outside kat at our house,  and
Little Ian has cleverly named him "bob"   (get it?)  and this has made me
wanna re-name all the kats, both in and outdoor.   i was thinking:
"astrophe"  and "arpillar"   and even  "sup", though it starts with an "s".
(kats hate that).   "pole" is good, too.
db says we have to stick with the names we've given them.
dogs:  toto, ewok,  domino,  checkers
kats, indoor:  yoda,  zhan
kats, outdoor:  one eyed jack,  frankenpinecone,  bob

what was the question again?

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