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Re: Till we have faces

> Little Ian has cleverly named him "bob"   (get it?)  and this has made me
> wanna re-name all the kats, both in and outdoor.   i was thinking:
> "astrophe"  and "arpillar"   and even  "sup", though it starts with an "s".
> (kats hate that).   "pole" is good, too.

Maybe it's all the carbon monoxide, but this was wasted on me.  Could
someone please 'splain?  Except for the "S" part--I got that.

My inside cat got outside today (I only have  inside cats) and the
outside dog (not mine, but the neighbors) decided he wanted to chomp him
up.  The cat had other plans, but when I got him back, his heart was
thumping like a big bass drum and he dug his 10 little claws into my
back.  (I really *can't* blame him)

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