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Re: GDBD Rerelease

On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 19:43:02 GMT, you wrote:

>Lots of tribute songs are in my desk drawer.  DATs which I haven't heard 
>yet, CDs which I have.  Still waiting on at LEAST five contributions (some 
>on this list, you know who you are, and some others that promised and I 
>really want them on there as well).  I've stunk about updating that site, 
>that's for sure.
Including one shiny CD from none other than The Drew. That's right folks.
Move over, William Shatner! The NEW king of spoken word is here!

>While reminiscing over gooey enchiritos one recent pre-concert night, Drew 
>Vogel and I discussed page by page layout for CD booklet.  Where to put 
>text, where to put pictures, etc.  I may be visiting Mr. Mike Wilson's 
>studio tonight for a free concert; he had volunteered some pictures way back 
>and may not even remember me.  Amy Romania is in our country now, I'll be 
>talking with her to transform things from pencil sketches to files or 
>whatever those papermakers need.
Does that count as a design credit for yours truly? It better, since I had
to buy dinner that night.

They were really gooey, eh?

Andrew Vogel: Program Manager at the University of Cincinnati College of
Pharmacy.               http://pharmacy.uc.edu/default.html  (513)-558-3784
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