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Re: GDBD Rerelease


Interestingly enough . . . I've run into a recent shortage of funds as well. 
  Sucks, eh?  (So a heartful "hell yeah" is my response to your question).  
My recent application for IRS night shift work should cure my short term 
cash ills though.

Lots of tribute songs are in my desk drawer.  DATs which I haven't heard 
yet, CDs which I have.  Still waiting on at LEAST five contributions (some 
on this list, you know who you are, and some others that promised and I 
really want them on there as well).  I've stunk about updating that site, 
that's for sure.

Here's the rest:

While reminiscing over gooey enchiritos one recent pre-concert night, Drew 
Vogel and I discussed page by page layout for CD booklet.  Where to put 
text, where to put pictures, etc.  I may be visiting Mr. Mike Wilson's 
studio tonight for a free concert; he had volunteered some pictures way back 
and may not even remember me.  Amy Romania is in our country now, I'll be 
talking with her to transform things from pencil sketches to files or 
whatever those papermakers need.

The guy that will master the project lives in a Carolina and I need to 
schedule a long weekend out there once all the submissions are actually in 
my paws.  Which hopefully isn't too long.


"wish in the one hand, bird in the other,
see which one will take me farthest from here"

>From: Ponybat at aol_com
>hey bruce.
>interestingly enough . . . i don't have my hands on the promo yet.  i've 
>into a recent shortage of funds.  ain't it always like that?  hopefully,
>we'll be seeing it soon, yes.
>hey - what's up with the tribute cd?  just wondering.
>kick me in the jimmy,

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