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First OTR album

I found everyone's stories of how they first fell in love with OTR so
interesting that I had to add my own.  I was given a mix tape for
Valentine's Day (from an ex-boyfriend) with "Like a Radio" on it.  None
of my other friends knew the song or the band.  It was the only song on
the tape that I played constantly for over three years.  Then I found
GDBD in a catalog and ordered it. I'll never forget the day it came in
the mail.  It was late in October and I had just moved into my first
apartment in Philadelphia.  It was a super cheap studio above a bar in
Center City.  Kind of a dump, but I loved it because I was on my own.  I
had fallen in love with a man that my parents didn't "approve" of and
being young and romantic, I moved out of their house (in the comfy
little suburbs)to the big city to be with him.  
	That morning I had lost my wallet, and gotten yelled at at work.  My
father had just given me the little speech about how I had compromised
everything for a man who didn't love me and how could I have fallen so
far from the way they raised me.  I came home, picked up my mail- bills,
the CD and a letter from my best friend who was studying in Germany (who
I was missing terribly).  I started to play GDBD while I read the
letter, in which my best friend told me sadly that she lost her
virginity.  That first line "What a beautiful piece of heart-ache this
has all turned out to be" was so painfully perfect for what my life was
at that point.  I remember sitting in my one room apartment on that
cold, grey day just listening to that song over and over again.  I still
feel it's the theme song for my life.
	Anyway, it wasn't long after that I got my hands on the other albums. 
I love every one of them- although for different reasons.  I would have
to say GDBD is my favorite, but I can't listen to it all the time. 
There are two albums I don't have- Linford's Solo Piano and Amature
Short Wave.  I didn't even know they existed!  Are they still in
	Also, I think it was a year ago (or maybe two) that I was on an OTR
mailing list- receiving newsletters and info.  I guess I just paid for a
year subscription but does the list still exist?  I really enjoyed the
newsletters from Linford.

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