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it's almost 1:00 am, and we have just returned from schuba's.  
yesterday (friday) was my birthday, and instead of a party, i invited my 
friends to go see otr tonight.  we had a GREAT time.  
we had dinner first at the restaurant adjacent to schuba's, the harmony 
grill.  it was not bad--sandwiches and stuff--but we did get (for whoever 
posted asking the question) a free bottle of wine.  shortly after 8:00, jeff 
(toast) joined us for sandwiches and wine, and we made our way over to the 
bar area a little before 10.  little did we know that we should have gone 
earlier.  me, fran, and 7 of our friends had made reservations for the 10:00 
show, but jeff (not knowing if he would have to work or not) did not have 
tickets in advance.  he had quite a line to stand in.  the rest of us entered 
the concert area, walked a few steps, and then could not walk any more 
because the place was so packed.  i had no idea that schuba's would be so 
we never saw jeff again.  i heard someone behind me say that the show sold 
out soon after we entered the room, so i don't know if jeff was able to get 
in or not.  who would have thought???
anyway, they began the set with go down easy (big surprise), and other than 
that, it was a totally different show than the taft.  they were happy, 
energetic, they put new twists on old stuff....  i was thoroughly impressed.  
and while i had a good time at the taft show, that was more due to being in 
cincinnati, seeing otr in such a nice, big place, seeing new and old friends, 
etc.  i don't have a set list (maybe someone does?), but i know they played 
the following (though maybe not in this order)
all i need is everything 
and can it be/cast me away
circle of quiet
faithfully dangerous
orphan girl
silent night
thank you my angel
little blue river
etc. whatever (for some people who'd flown in from north carolina.  then 
someone shouted out that he had come in from texas and he asked if he coiuld 
make a request.  linford said sure, but the guy said "within without," and as 
you can imagine, they laughed.)
latter days
last night ("a song about the morning after")
my love is a fever

comments from otr newbies:
"this music really is hard to describe:blues-y, folky, pop.  it's weird.  i 
like it, but it's weird."
"they sound a lot like the sundays"
"the only song i didn't like was the one about laying her in the ground 
"what album is THIS [little blue river] on?"
"wow....i'm really impressed."
"it's amazing how not depressing these guys are live [compared to the cd]."
"i like that girl's voice.  with a voice like that she could so over-sex it, 
but she doesn't.  i like that."

overall, it was a great show.  josh and zena, i wish you guys still lived 
here.  you would have enjoyed this show.  i sat right by josh and zena at the 
taft, and i could tell that they weren't overjoyed at what they were hearing. 
 tonight, though, was great.
jeff, i hope you made it inside, and we just couldn't find you.  if not, you 
missed a good one.  i wish i'd recorded it for you...  
otr, next time you might want to consider 2 nights in chicago.  schuba's is 

anyway, i had a blast!  what a great birthday party.  by the way, today 
(saturday, the 18th) is terri's birthday!!

on my way to some quiet place, 

p.s.  jeff and i discussed the rhinelander ball, and we're all in favor!!!
: )
drew, be my date?!?!?!?!
(don't tell fran!)
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