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christmas comes early

Santa brings many things to young master tim, but the most important one is 
the two missing discs from tim';s OtR collection, the lynch pins in any 
connoisseur's cd rack, the veritable cogs of the machinery known as my cd 

yep, you guessed it, santa tim came through for anxious child tim, with 
Patience and Eve, found after hours of drudgery and toil, true slavery in the 
fields of the internet.

however, the cursed mail is obviously in league with the Grinch (damn his 
cold heart) and it's just like i'm six again, tomorrow never comes and 
there's only crap in the box...<sigh>

but here's hoping that UPS doesn't pull another "we're going on strike" and 
that come tomorrow, i'll be swirling in a blizzard of snow and wonderful, 
wonderful "new" music.

yuletide greetings to everyone

tim "the complete collection" 
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