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Re: Last Night

Our nice ms. flinchpaugh says:

> miss a wonderful show... Someone has got to tell Linford and Karin you
> are getting married and how you met it would be a great concert story.

alright, i'll  volunteer for that duty.   inasmuch as  i know, anyway.


> often. He was wearing a red shirt and black pants. Terri looked very nice
> she was holding a little court after the show with all the guys. JG you
> should have been there.

yeah,  'specially after all these happy glowing reviews  and the "last
night"  song.   rats!    skipped a good'n,  evidently.   rats again.

> However Drew made up for you by yelling "I love you
> Terri" in the middle of the concert so it was just like you were there
> almost except I had no one to share my food with after the concert.

{high fiving Drew}    you da man, Drew!   thank you.     what was the tasty
food item last time?    something mexican, wasn't it?   sour cream bean dip
with chips and salsa or something, right?   i remember it being pretty good
and thought how nice it was to  offer us your vittles.

i'd like to hear more about __leo's valentine__,  if someone  wants to write
a mini review of that.   sounds like it might have been fun... :-)

> does not matter. At this point I am just babbling. The cow guy...
> interesting the next time I am at a concert I will ask him what is up with
> the cow costume I should have last night but was so shocked that I didn't.

i forget when the first time was that i heard a reference to the cow guy,
some months (year?)  ago, perhaps?   what's up with the cow guy?  is he a
regular at the cincinnati events or what?

good luck on finals,  Debbie.    Glad the hapy vibes were enough to get
Nikki to the show  (not like she'd miss it unless she were shackled to the
hospital bed  in those little leather restraints.......wait, stop  jg,
you're getting excited).

glad you all had a good time.  now to start writing about our little wedding

see ya bye

NP:  the indigo girls

ps:    no names but you know who you are  (lest everyone want one):   thanks
for the christmas card!


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