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That's all I can say right now, since I'm still on my cousin's machine in Columbus and have yet to fully assimilate-- which I'm sure I'll get to do on my drive home to Philly.

But initially?


Fred, you're absolutely adorable. I'd trust my children to you. Wait-- I don't have any. Well, you get the picture.

Melissa: you are no longer merely Melissa, but Melissa the Ticket Goddess. Ladies and gentleman, even the usher who directed me to my seat said I had the best seat in the house. Directly in front of Karin's mic stand, about ten-fifteen feet away (second row pit), and best of all, right next to Mr. Kiltie himself, our own binksnort. Sorry I didn't bring cereal. Next time, babe. At any rate, Melissa, I worship you. I hope the cheers ringing off the Cinci skyscrapers at 1am were gratifying. 

Dan, I hope you don't mind my knee-jerk reaction to seeing you. I swear I'll work on actually formally greeting you first.

Drew, why do you always disappear just before things get good? We had a great time at Uno's. Fun. AND CHEAP. HAHAHAHAHA!

Bruce, you...you're just Bruce.

Jan: you get the title of Official Best Hugger of the Evening! Wooty Woot!

Oh, the show? 


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