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battin' .500

Well, I'm 1/2 today...

I went to WalMart to look for plastic orange oars to taunt Jack with on
Saturday... they only had wooden oars, and some weird metal ones... damn.
Oh well, I guess it'll hafta wait...

I did have good news (well, it's good news for *me* at least).  I'd been
looking for Finger Eleven's album ever since I saw their "Above" video on
Canada's Much Music video channel about a year ago.  While not even
specifically looking for it tonight at a used store, I happened to scan my
eyes over not only *one* copy, but THREE!!

Wohoo!!  And one of them was $3.99 (the other two were $7.99)!!  SCORE!!

I'm happy.


NP: finger eleven - tip

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
   dantemm at erinet_com      http://www.dlm.net/gc/
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