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Kelsey at the Brady

Well All,

I wanted everyone to know what they missed, if they didn't get to Kent last 
night for Mike Kelsey.... I know, I know OTR.... but I'll see them in a week 
or so, then Ill let you know.   This is for the listies in attendence (Me, 
JG, DM, Jen, Alyssa, and Jamie "Wookie"), and for those of you that know of 
Mike  (Dan, Raven, Bink, and everone else)....  Mike, DM, and I were talking 
about the listserve last night.... he says damn "why don't I have one?!?!" - 
Any clues how to set one up form those of you more computerly inclined than I?

Tevi Tarlar (his faithful sidekick with Iron lungs) was there as well, and 
the show got off to a roaring start with the 100 or more in attendence 
(second only to OTR for lack of chair space).... There brought out the 
reliable old stuff and a couple of new songs from their upcoming CD (due 
around Feb.).... It will be great for Tevi to finally break n on one of 
Mike's CD's.  Not that Mike isn't good by himself, but the intensity doubles 
or triples with Tevi there.  One of Mike's new songs "Pyscho Girl" was just 
bitchin'. - "Form the outside you'd think she'd be normal in there...".  They 
also did "Forever Mary", and "Down in the Valley".  Both off upcoming album.  

There was even more Ad libbing than a normal show there last night.  
Throughout the entire night they managed to pull up about 6 different random 
people to play drums, a girl and her flute (amazing improv on "Illusion of 
fire"... wow.), and someone that before the show said "Hey Mike can I sing a 
song with you?" - For never playing with Mike (You'd have to understand that 
he changes rythm  and songs as fast we can blink an eye), I was very 
impressed, they even traded off lyrics of the chorus without knowing they 
were going to (Gabriel - "In Your Eyes").  Other songs of reconiztion to some 
or all: "Wade in the water", "Whipping Post", "Give me shelter", ANd of 
course, the ocassionally pulled out "Latter Days" - form you know who.  This 
time Mike sang and played himself, and was good enough that the loudest noise 
I heard during the entire song was a squeking chair.  Up til that point Tevi 
and Mike rocked hard enough to pull off a globe from one of the ceiling 
fixtures with nothing more than their voices and a guitar.  Latter Days was 
played much better by Mike this time, he used to try and speed it up, which 
never sounded quite right.  He pulled many heartstrings last night, with the 
lost, slow rendition.  The show (and this song) got the stamp of approval 
from JG, who had never seen them before.  He quotes "This show rocks!".  :)

But the last part is almost always the best.  About a year or so ago, Tevi 
and Mike decided to start letting people in the audience pick thier songs for 
them.  Appropriatly named Tevi's jukebox.  The giant 30 ? minute medely last 
night consisted of (in this order, without breaking once)... before I start 
this first one is a favorite of mine because they both sing together at full 
speed and do a better job with the words than REM themselves:  "It's the end 
of the world", "Renegade" (Styx), "YMCA", "in the Navy", "tom Sawyer", "Owner 
of a Lonely Heart", "Ice, Ice, Baby", "Play that Funky Music", "Fat Bottomed 
Girls", "We will Rock You", "Hey, Hey Goodbye", "Beat It", "whip It", 
"jesse's Girl", "867-5309", "Can't touch this", "Living La Vida Loca", "Mamba 
#5", "Signs" (everywhere there's a sign...), "Wanted Dead or Alive", "Cowboy 
Baby" (Kid Rock), "Too much time on my hands", "My shrona", "Do you love me" 
(Now that I can dance?), "Stop" (in the name of love...), "Johnny B Good", 
"Unbeliveable", and "Rock Me Amedeus." ...   *Pant* I'm out of breath just 
Let alone for the oncore when the next set included "My Generation", "You 
can't always get" (Stones), "Get ALong sweet little woman", "Satelite" 
(Kelsey), and "Red House" (Hendrix)  Let me mention the capcity and content 
of Tevi's lungs.  He belted out the lyrics of Red House WITHOUT a microphone 
over top of Mike playing guitar with the use of large speakers, etc.  And you 
could still here Tevi clearly above Mike.

Ok, I think I have made my point.  You all missed the best show I have been 
to in a long time.  I don't think OTR  in Cleve next week will be as good.  
And that's all I have to say about that.
