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Re: Re: Re: What about Headman Shabalala?

In a message dated 10/13/99 12:18:38 PM, hoopyfrood at juno_com wrote:

>Yer right.  Except they weren't married, were they?  But Rumors is good,
>too, eh?  

Well, Stevie and Lindsey weren't married, but they were breaking up. John 
McVie and Christine McVie were married, and they were on the way to 
splitsville, too. Whole lotta shakin' going' on through the making of that 

"Gold Dust Woman" was Stevie Nick's paean to her own coke addiction, wasn't 

And if I remember aright, Christine wrote "You Make Loving Fun" for her new 
boyfriend, and "Oh, Daddy" for Mick Fleetwood, who had his own share of 
personal angst at the time.

"The Chain" IS the mother of all bitter songs. Maybe THAT'S why I like it so 