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Re: RE: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #804


Amy Joy   (there used to be donut shops named Amy Joy.  were these local
things or were these national or regional chains?   And either i haven't
seen an Amy Joy shop in a long time or there's one over there around  Maple
Street, i can't remember.   anyway....)

>  but since i'm the new girl, can anyone tell me if we
> have any preset rules to guide all of this god-talk?  thanks!

isn't the rule that after you post a god-talk message you don your asbestos
flame-proof suit and cover your head with your arms?  maybe take refuge in
the basement?   (always take a battery operated radio and a flashlight

see ya,


NP:  Tom Waits  __frank's wild years__

(another parenthetical aside you have to suffer with,  sorry:   According to
Yahoo! mag,  Ticketmaster top sales for the week ending 7-28-99 include at
#9  Tom Waits'  concerts.   you know,  the ones that Karin, Linford and Jack
and DM and prolly Miss Jen and Gardner got to go to,  while i stayed home.
rats!!       But anyway,  for Tom Waits to get #9 in tickeymaster sales is
pretty incredible to me,  since before meeting some of you i only knew 2
other earthlings (db and dbas)  who liked him about as well as i did.   Go,
Tom, go!!)

((did my parenthetical aside just last longer than my post?))

(((i think it did)))

((((oh, just shoot me!))))

(((((isn't that a tv show?)))))
