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Re: Over-The-Rhine Digest V2 #804

Dancing on a volcano, "Amy Joy Eversole" <amy_smiley at hotmail_com>
>>Just preface with which god you're talking about - don't assume there's 
>>only one!
>that's fair--but is it ok to assume that there's only one truth?  if there 
>isn't, why does it seem everyone's lookin' for it?  (not to fear--i'm not 
>trying to play missionary!)

I don't think you can assume there's only *one* truth.    

Everyone's looking for *a* truth - the truth that is true for them.

Whoa.   20 Bonus Emery Points for diagramming that sentence.

>on second thought, the assumption that there is only one god is pretty much 
>what i've decided to base my entire life on...if i can't make that 
>assumption, where does that leave me?  we *all* have assumptions--don't even 
>try to convince me that you're living an assumptions-free life, chris!

I try to assume as little as possible.   That way, I'm open to more

NP: My new pink vinyl _Under The Pink_
cemery at columbus_rr.com
ICQ: 1355886

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