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chastize this.

Jus'Tina sadly said:

>opinion. I guess now I know why I dont usually post to the board because
>someone seems to give their opinion they get chastized. Sorry if I spoke
>opinion. I guess I wont do it anymore.

Fred comes quite late into the thread . . . 

Hey, now.  Hey, there.  's okay.  Counter opinions can come in a thousand
forms, ranging from Kyle who, I swear, is **funny** when he gives his
opinions in the guise of a drill sergeant (plus he's pretty) to others
here who generally come across as very gentle and generous (see Sir
Edward Jay or Kelvin in this department, to name a couple).  And there's
Ysoie who oscillates between pointy booted dominatrix (my goodness) and
honey tongued voice of reason.  These posts are coloured by personality,
is the thing.  So, of course, there are also those here who really are
angry that you disagree with them and are actually, in their own minds,
chastizing you for bad opinion behavior (Kyle ain't one of 'em, really,
cos crass doens't mean angry).  That always happens.  It's not healthy,
but it happens on a list this big.  So, whatever.  Be happy with
yourself?  You don't have what it takes to please them.

Must go.


PS: I'm no sociologist, but I suspect that we actually have a gift in
having certain losties who raise dissenting opinions and call Linford
names.  It's enriching, in it's way, and, for me,  it gets me to think
about what I really think--how much and how strongly I disagree with the