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Otr and Coney Island

This only made it to the announce and owner the first time I sent it.

Linford writes:

(Which seems funny, because for all the cut and pasters we have on this
list, no one ever really seems to cut and past Linford.)

> Hearing Jeff Bird's harmonica and mandolin 
> made me want to do something good for the universe which seemed to be bending 
> right along with his notes. 

I LOVE this feeling.  And I'm so glad it was expressed like this here.

"This night is so big, this night has stars falling into my hands, and
if I listen real close, I can hear some distant train crossing,

Can't you just hear that Karin/Terri harmony?  "And can it ever be..."

> (Out of respect for Brian, I won't discuss all 
> the particulars of why it makes good sense to us not to continue working 
> together.)

What about respect for the fans?  I was hearing things about BK not
being in the band anymore, and just felt betrayed.  I guess I've been
spoiled.  Things always get out.  No matter how much you try to keep
them inside, they always get outside.  

You know, in a round about way, he tried to sum up all the misgivings
we've had over the past few weeks.  You know he's reading this stuff. 
You know he's trying to console us.  Even if I can't wholly accept his
method, I can't deny that he's a big man for even addressing it.  

And after all he *is* the one behind most of these lyrics--he has that
going for him...  I think I'll keep him.

But as for Brian,  :~^(
