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Re: a weekend's worth of posts---with commentary

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 21:49:38 EDT "Spencer James"
<wookbothways at hotmail_com> writes:
>yes...a part of that _is_ the band. a part of it comes from within 
>each of 
>us. It's like we've all brought a few nails and some planks with us 
>here to 
>this virtual grove and we've built a beautiful house. it's an amazing 
>endeavor. it's alittle lopsided and represents at least 17 separate 
>architectural styles (and that cupola thing DM brought *big grin*) but 
>truly ours.

This is where I get off the train and take the boat.  The band certainly
does not come from within each of us.  The band is just that - a band - a
collection of musicians making music.  All this talk of  "our band" and
betrayal and stuff like that makes me wonder if we're not a little bit
arrogant.  (Not you personally, all of us.)  Linford and crew don't owe
anything to anybody.  Their whole point is to make music, expressing and
creating as they see fit.  It we like it, super.  If not - we can either
hang with it until we do like it or find another band.  I think it's
great that a band and our admiration for it seems to be a unifying force,
and even gives us a starting point from which to delve into other
interests.  However (and I know I'm gonna get flamed for this) Over the
Rhine is Linford and Karin and whoever else they have playing with them
under the auspices of said band.  We are merely fans, admirers,
interested third parties.  If we insist that we become more, or if - God
forbid - that should actually really happen, the music is no longer art,
it's patronizing propaganda at best.

Just a thought,
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