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Re: Re: no more brian.

In a message dated 9/19/99 10:42:28 PM, dcjones1 at hotmail_com wrote:

>I once heard Karen make a comment (at a show) to the effect of "I have no 
>idea what this song means, but here it is" before singing "All I need is 
>Everything".  Why would you sing a song without ANY clue as to its meaning?  
>That always struck me as strange...
>Linford has always ruled this band with an iron fist...that is why Rich 
>left, that is why Brian is now gone.  That is why the level of energy has 
>declined.  Indeed, that is why Karen now has little instructions scribbled 
>on setlists...

Dude! Don't you think this is just a little harsh? We've had endless 
discussions on the sometimes inscrutable meaning of some songs, yet we still 
listen to them. Yes, Linford writes the bulk of the lyrics, and maybe Karin 
doesn't always fully understand them, but neither do we!  Does it stop us 
loving them? I mean, I don't completely understand every inference and nuance 
of Moth, but that didn't prohibit me from orating it to the skies last week. 
If a bandmate/lover/cowriter/husband handed me a song to sing and I loved it 
even though I didn't completely understand it, damn right I'd sing it. How 
would I ever hope to understand it if I refused to sing it? Does not 
understanding it mean I can't enjoy it? I've sung in Latin, French, German, 
Hebrew, and Italian. And I loved most of the pieces I sang whilst being 
utterly clueless  the majority  the words.

Hell, sometimes I've WRITTEN stuff I don't know anything about!

Also, I have to say that it'd be all to easy for me, were I Karin, to forget 
to do something simple like thank Ms. Beuhrig for her lovely set in the midst 
of my own stresses onstage. And when I realised that I'd forgotten, I'd feel 
like an utter bitch. And I'd make sure I wouldn't do it again-- damn straight 
I'd write myself notes.

I'm not saying it's Linford's band now. I'm saying that doesn't make him 
Nikita Kruschev and nuclear fallout is not imminent.