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Re: [Ani Difranco]

"Sarah Sanzenbacher GS|DCB" <SANZENBACHER at novell_chem.utk.edu> wrote:

>>Since so many of you have been raving about Ani Difranco, I was 
considering buying a CD sometime (when money allows, if it ever does) 
What one would you suggest?  I would really like some opinions on 
this.  Sarah

_living in clip_ is great b/c you get a sample from most of the ani eras--she
changes a little each record, but it is a double cd so kind of expensive

_up up up up up up up_ is amazing--my favorite by far, but I don't think it
has as much of the trademark ani rhythums--which you would definitely need to
hear eventually, but I think she shows her voice off a lot more in this album

I was introduced by _dilate_ which is a good one, but not as good as _up_

for the most part whatever you pick you should be happy with, she has sooo
many--she does about a record a year--

"I put a glass out on the windowsill to catch the water as it fell now I got a
glass half full of rain to measure the time between when you said you'd come
and when you actually came."


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