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Amature Shortmessage whereI'vebeen@

Hey, mmm mmm mmm
(to quote the pixies)

Okay, It's been a long time since the list hear diddly/squat out of me- but 
then I went to see Tom Waits (cause it's a one in a life time better than 
most the sex you've had experience) got side tracked with all the freshmeat, 
oops, freshmen wandering into my coffee house promply being punted for any 
*$ comaprisons, and those who didn't get assimilated. And Then as opposed to 
the Moonlight Gardens I (that would be Miss Jen and Meself, actually) had a 
Greek wedding to attend as opposed to haul tuckus and nay-nay to Cincy for 
the Moonlight show.

Anyone want to give me a rundown on it anyway? Set list, highlights, so 
forth. JG? Jessyka? Nikki? (mind you the operative is clear and concise- so 
the future Mizz Harnish should cut the Keroac down to junkie time for this 

   Mind you, Methinks that the Free Moxy Fruvous show that night would have 
one over should the evening been had to travel- reasons

1) Darknest Night's soon enough.
2) ya'll better make it for the Binkster
(in the casa de caffine de grande- Brady's)
3) 2 hours=freeshow in hellhole I know like back of hand vs. driving to 
Cincy after just pulling off Chicago- my ass hurts just thinking about it
3.5) 10 days off line=550 msgs= bandwith massacre- hey alice...
4)The Fruvous Show the night of the 10th at the Odeon was Killer Bee.
5) My Frumiles are low
6) and the band played

How am I doing

I drink the fifth on the grounds it may obliterate me

Now I'm gonna bug out for the dug out before the tension convention swings 
on in-- then I gotta go to calling hours with big fuzzy later tonight.
No a relative of mine- but someone close enough to Jamie and I both.

Oh- who's Moxy Fruvous and why are they worth such bandwith.

They're the thinking people's bare naked ladies (though BNL had its merits)

worth the find cats, worth the find.

sorry about the babble, its been a long day.

JG- can you translate?

Hi Gardner
Hi Nixie

Hugs all round


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