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RE: please Linford, play these songs by moonlight.

first jay, then chris, and maybe even someone else sez:

>>> And CIRCLE OF QUIET. That song belongs to Ric.
>> i agree here.

>Yup.   Especially the one in the basement at Bernies, right Eric?

i think we've covered this before, but i will say again, ABSOLUTELY.


that song made me completely forget that we had been waiting four hours
already, that it was already midnight on a workday, and that we still had to
hoof it back to chris's house in like 20 degree weather.

it was magical... mystical.

amen, that song rocked.


np: the choir | chase the kangaroo (good call, jg!)

Eric Schumacher
Senior Creative Designer
eric.schumacher at ecoutlook_com
