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Re: Frost


la, la dee dah, la dee dah dah dah dah la la dee dah dee dee dah, la
dee dah, la dee dah dah dah dah, la la la la dee dah, la la la la la la
la la la lah lahhhh...

sorry got carried away there.  when you said this poem was so so tired,
did you mean like it's sentimentally over known...like those saturday
evening post prints?  because that's how i felt about it when i first
heard otr's 'miles' and saw that they took those lines from frost.  it
seemed so american poetry 101 and here is my genius band writing music
to it, it bugged me.  but now....nnnnnoooowwwwwwww....i love it.  i
sing it and love it.  (being a christian and interpreting all things
from my own viewpoint (the otr list disclaimer) i see the song as a
metaphoric statement on discipline, temptation, rest and wonder)  but i
shall not go into that and start a big ol' big ol'....

i try to decide which lyrics i like the most in that song....

the whole 'touched a funeral.... til the 'i suppose that you're still
wired' is brilliant brilliant brilliant.

and the 'write your name on the water...til the 'write your name on me'
 love it, so lonely...so good!

okay i'm going to the movies.


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