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Quickly Re: Everything

Dear List,

I was just telling Lindsey the other day (we're
neighbors and somewhat long-time friends) that I
felt many members of the list succomb too often
to aforementioned pseudo-intellectual yammering. 
In truth, I come up on Kyle's side in that arena.

I'm not willing (or prepared) to eat my words,
but in defense of those who have posted such bits
of introspective 'sturm und drang': there are
just times when you have to say it with flowers.

That is, there are times when one believes such
anally careful wording and poeticisms to be the
most effective means by which to communicate
oneself and one's ideas.  N'est-ce que pas?

Besides, in a 'place' like this, there is a
greater likelihood that you'll be understood if
you so indulge, a greater likelihood (arguably)
that bogglingly intricate intertextuality will
pay off.  It's a great temptation.

Maybe, Kyle, you don't come out for the sound of
dirty laundry whipping in the wind - I don't
either - but I'd think less of you if I thought
you weren't really 'here' to meet w/ some
interesting and interested (and perhaps
more-than-usually-kindred) minds.  No person is a
mere mind, and sometimes (!) we're not pretty.

What is the proper forum for such musings, if not
amongst (at least potential) friends?  Again, I'm
not saying <this> is the spot, but I can think of
times when I had nowhere to turn and might well
have made similar posts.

I realize that any social situation is a front of
sorts, and that e-culture has heightened
awareness of this by giving us greater control of
presentation, but. . . I don't feel comfortable
taking the approach one of my high school
acquaintances has: the careful building of a big
plastic 'self'.

I am both attracted to and repulsed by this kind
of 'deconstructionist' approach to socialization.
 The only counter to such a punch I've been able
to come up with is to keep all of my cards in
plain sight.  I do not consciously engage in
deception, and I ask that my friends (who have
better eyes than I to see me) keep me in check.

Whilst I ramble, I must also assert:  suicide is
not funny.  I do not appreciate previous (albeit
intended lightly) recommendations of mode of
self-disposal for a certain mellodramatic poster.
 Not cute.  In very, very poor taste.  Did not
expect to read such things here.

<blink, blink>
Just checked out the two dimensional
representation of the visual aspect of the famed
Vogel mojo on AnDrew's site.  I, carefully
skeptical, must confess. . . <nah!>  I ain't
confessin' nuthin.  <deep breath>

<deep breath>

<deep breath>

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