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Re: Cree Summer

Chris Emery wrote:
>Well, I think I saw Cree Summer performing on the side stage at Polaris at
>one of the shows I went to recently.   Dan - you remember if that's who that
>was at the Lenny/Black Crowes show?
>Other than that, I have no relevant memories of Cree Summer.

Ya mean that band doing the Frank Zappa cover tune?  I don't think that was
Cree.  I think it was some Columbus band...

I *think* Cree Summer is related to Lisa Bonet (Lenny's ex-wife), and I
*think* Lenny produced Cree's album... but I'm not positive on all that...
if she's not related to Lisa, then she's at least a friend.  Because Lisa
was in the studio during the production, etc; as well as during _5_'s
production, etc... at least, that's what I got out of the VH1 Kravitz
thingy a month ago, or so...


NP: NIN - The Day the World Went Away

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
    dantemm at erinet_com    http://www.dlm.net/gc/
   - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 
   There was a time when I had nothing to explain   
+-               Ben Folds   "Mess"               -+ 
