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Re: thoughts on christian art

Megan said:

> for example, i am
> often
> frustrated by christian friends who refuse to see certain movies 

And I don't want to beat her up for what she said, but I'm going to use
this quote as a springboard into the topic at hand...

shouldn't you accept your friends decision not to see a certain
movie--for whatever reason?  I mean after all condemning their decision
is the same thing as condemning them, which is the same thing as
condemning their belief system--and where does that take us?

There has been a lot of debate in this thread, and I sent a post that
never made it to the list, but in a nutshell I believe art to be
secondary to someone's belief system.  

I can appreciate good art, but there aren't enough people out there who
will stand up and say something is bad art when it's something other
than religious in nature.  We need more people who will say something
isn't acceptable "based on good morals" or "good taste" or "common
decency."  Instead everyone's poised and ready to accept the next
*SouthPark* when they should be asking themselves where this is all
leading.  Has anyone stopped and wondered if there's a connection
between SouthPark and the Columbine Massacre?  Isn't it interesting that
they both happen(ed) in Colorado?  What if Columbine was a sign of
what's to come?  Oh, and heaven forbid, but what if Columbine was a

Yes people, God is still up there, and he's still giving out warnings. 
If you think I'm wrong, then you can delete, but I won't make any
apologies for my beliefs.  The junk we accept as art and entertainment
today is a good indication of our moral norm.

People say that Christian art is "CRAP" and artists like Sixpence, and
even OtR distance themselves from the label, but the truth is that that
"CRAP" is appealing to people right now.  I don't necessarily like MWS,
or Kim Boyce's material that much either, but I know that some people
do.  And I would much rather support Carman's worst effort than Marilyn
Manson's best.  

So if you think Christian Art is largely all crap laced with deceit and
greed, look around-- so is everything else. 

It's just that there are people out there who want to do whatever they
feel like and they need some other group to kick around to make
themselves look and feel better.  That group that seems to always get
kicked around is the Christians, and the condemnation of us has caught
on.  Just look at Hollywood.  Have you seen a movie lately that portrays
a Christian in a positive light?  No. What we have is everything from
Carrie to The Apostle.  Please.

And I assure you that Christian art is important to many.  If my very
first CD hadn't been Carman, then the one I bought last week wouldn't
have been VoL.  Everything has a place and a season--that's from the
Bible-- the *cornerstone* of Christian Artwork.

There are plenty of people who will read this and see it as a self
righteous tirade.  And that's too bad, because I don't have that in mind
at all.  I'm merely stating my opinions just as everyone else has.   

And Megan, once again, I'm not attacking you, just using your quote as a
jumping off point.

