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Re: This is revolting

Let me jump in here...

Otherone wrote:

>when I have seen
>someone resort to the grading for punctuation and grammer,  it is because
>they disagree and,
>a)- Don't really have a clue how to address the issue
>b) -Have been soundly beaten in their argument.
>c) -Are keen spellers and grammatical tacticians, but lack any verifiable
>I could be wrong here, but I don't think so. Your mileage may vary on this.

My mileage certainly does vary on this. I think what you posited above is
good for maybe 3% of the Grammar Police out there.

Honestly, though? My eyes skim over crap that isn't spelled correctly, or is
poorly constructed. I was taught to write properly and with clarity, and
it's very frustrating to have to slog through someone else's poorly
thought-out response just because they're "not being graded" on it. Just as
many people don't have the "time" to sit and think up a grammatically
correct post, *I* don't have the time to sit and translate exactly what that
person meant to say.

Beyond exceptions for people learning English, I really have little
tolerance for the garbled poop you'll see on most lists. I don't have time
for it, I won't read it, and I will certainly delete most posts from that
person after trying to translate several messages from them.

So, why should people even post that way, then? Why not take the extra few
seconds to make it accessible to *everyone*?

Not lacking any verifiable substance,
