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Re: la musica del leest (no OtR)

And here I go, speakin' again.

> > > Mister jay taunts us with:
> taunt? don't you mean assail, or even bullyrag?
> ...or do you really mean entice?

Um...yes. All of the above, at least, and then probably
some after that just to make sure.

 > > > Think we could include these in our little cover-endeavor?
> > > (Mmm...I still should talk to you about that, no?)
> we should still talk about that, yes.
> by the way, i have spent some time in listening
> and re-listening, Raven. i'm somewhat intimidated.
> however, i believe that given the right mix of ethnicity
> and otherworldliness this could - with hope - meet to
> what you are going after.

It's good that you're just intimidated, dear, because right now
the thought of this scares me to death.  It's a good sort of
scared, though...the sort that comes before a real challenge.

I haven't been scared like this for quite a while.

I think I like it here.

I forgot a musical instrument.  I haven't played it in a while,
but my grandparents have several (my grandpa makes them), and
I'm sure they would let me borrow one for a while.

> now what's this about a saltry with a 'p'?

Ah.  I *knew* I was spelling it wrong, but when me grandpap gave
it to me, he didn't spell the name and it was the first I'd
heard of such a beast.  Please, dear Sir Jay, forgive the ignorance
of this little blackbird.

> Amy, i didn't know you had or played some of these instruments.
> the psaltry - is it the plucked or bowed flavour?

Of course you didn't know, love.  We've talked music, but never
musical instruments... It's the bowed flavor.  I need to take it
to a place over in Okemos to talk proper strings with the nice man
in the violin shop (and get ready to spend awful amounts of money
to get the right strings, but my will it be worthwhile) and also
to get a proper bow.

Oh--the other instrument is a hammer dulcimer.

