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Re: I (your clown) feeling

Alfred <hoopyfrood at Juno_com> has made me happy ~

> Greetings cats--
>  I (your clown) feeling.  Umm.  Listen.  How zig we zag.  How sad we had. 
>  How bee to bop, but sad, too.  Now, truth be told.  Mold.  Danger and ice
>  come often sillytoe slipping sideway diddley down purple halls.  But why?
>   And in this heat?  However.  See the mad mad mad mad gone kids gather
>  white and dirty and angry and stuck and unaware.  Light down keys
>  keyboard letter click slam slam, now.  Understand?  I am not.  Will not. 
>  Cannot.  

Jack Kerouac among us still breathes the breath of spiral
flowing the streams up through and along the walls consciousness
that flows and circulates thee eyes ov mynds blowing his breath
deep into cupped hands the snaring and devouring we stop.


unite we watch the gilded crescent descent over cobalt the cool and
matted greens of wet blades and lighted insects we gaze and turn.

what comes after the cobalt and coming, the going of we,
the somnambulists enter parched and cracking the jaded skin
stretching thin and tight the explosions of blackstar thee radiant
baking not stuck in wet cool but leaping crackle and pyre.


"i am yours lady - scrawled an thin"
David Eugene Edwards - 16 hp
(|==========-=-=----=----=---- - - -  -  -     -
<{---o<(\,- Sir Edward Jay, thee Second ov Harnish -,/)>--o---}>
	^v^	^v^	^v^	ICQ #13819982	^v^	^v^	^v^
(|===========-=-=------=-----=-- -- -  -  -    -