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Re: FW: tribute cd title

Gardner says, ever so eloquently:

> First, I think whatever we decide to title this thing, it should include
> OtR's name in the title as ":A tribute to Over The Rhine," or something
> like that, because we want the band to be getting credit.  Also, we want
> people who would be looking for OtR material to find us.  This is a surefire
> way.

I agree, although I would go with the "tribute" blurb being a subtitle
instead of being prefaced by a colon.

I'm going to go against what seems to be popular opinion and say that
I don't like the "Murder" title suggestions.  To me, the title doesn't
capture the flavor of what we're really trying to do.  It's a twist,
but not one that makes me think; not something that fires my imagination.
I think that our title should reflect what we're trying to /do/ here...
and more to the point, it should reflect the sort of inspired attitude
that Sir Edward jay gave us such a brilliant representation of yesterday.
Just my opinion, and it's not that I think the "Murder" titles are
/bad/...they just don't do it for me.

That said, I really like some of the titles Gardner threw out to us.
My favorites:

> >From the Hardwood Floors

From what little history I know, OtR started playing at places like
Brady's--so much of what they've done has been, in a real sense,
"from the hardwood floor".  Of course, I'm also biased because of
the fun banter about the hardwood floor during "Jack's Valentine"
at the last Brady's show.

> The Rhine Untwisted

It plays on a song title, and it's really what we're doing...untwisting
Linford's words and tying them up in our own imaginary packages.

> Circle of Rhinelanders

This is probably my favorite...it's what we do, who we are, a circle
of musicians, friends, talent, wonderful conversation and action.  How
many times have we talked circles around this very concept?  In a way,
this album is a closing of the circle, a fruition of ideas that could
only truly happen in a garden of beauty like the one we foster in this
invisible tangible space.  I'm trying to place words with the ideas
in my head about this title, but the words are puny and insignificant
compared to the feelings in my heart.

> Picture Paint Me Fingers

I like this one too, but only mostly because I know where it came from.

> Jazz Licks Improvized By Toddlers

Tasty!  I like the implication that we are all somehow still children,
trying to find sense in what we don't know by making up our own

Well, that's my two cents.  I don't have any interesting ideas for
album titles yet, but if any come to light you'll be the first to know.


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