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Re: Murder COULD Be Good... OTR Tribute Album

In a message dated 6/10/99 1:15:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
vogelap at email_uc.edu writes:

> Just whipped together three samples of what the font might look like
>  on an OTR Tribute album. They're up for viewing. Vote to me.
>  http://pharmacy.uc.edu/Murder1.gif
>  http://pharmacy.uc.edu/Murder2.gif
>  http://pharmacy.uc.edu/Murder3.gif

ooh, good job Andrew.

i think i like _Murder2.gif_ the best,
or something along those lines.

professional, standard typeface with distortions.


(why, yes it is.)

of course, i agree with the other
murderous mentionings that Linford's writing of hand...

it really captures alot.

so we have our title settled? good? good. i likie.

_I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good_

or, to keep truer to the origianl lyric,

_And I Always Knew That Murder Could Be Good_

(like we ever doubted it?)

goode day to you, ladies and gentlemen,


NP: Swans - Children of God - 05 - Blood and Honey.mp3

Modern conquerors can kill, but do not seem to be able to create.
Artists know how to create but cannot really kill.
Murderers are only very exceptionally found among artists.
Albert Camus (1913-60)
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