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Re: Re: good reads, modesty

In a message dated 6/2/99 3:43:16 PM, Eric_Schumacher at stercomm_com wrote:

>and just my two cents on the modesty discussion... i too believe that what
>you can't see is more enticing than what you can see. i was sort of
>obsessed with a girl i knew in college who was on the volleyball team. i
>used to go to games just to sit back and look at the section of her calf
>between the top of her socks and the bottom of her kneepads... i know, that
>sounds demented... ok, it IS demented. but seeing that little slice of what
>i thought was heaven did more for me than seeing her in a florescent bikini
>ever could have.

Hm. You know, I have to chime in on this, first. Eric, you're not demented. 
You do, however, have a flair for the poetic. You go, baby.

So I'm wondering where I fit in with my corset. I show off a lot of cleavage, 
but at the same time, I'm completely covered everywhere else. And when I wear 
the whole outfit to a faire, as I did this weekend, taken in context, I'm 
tame! There are women at faire who show up in as little as they can get away 
with, and I'm not sure that if I had a body I was comfortable showing off, I 
wouldn't indulge. I also think there's a difference in dressing for comfort 
in an athletic outfit, and dressing like you raided Dolly Parton's reject bin.

Yes, there IS a challenge in modesty. There's also-- which is often the same 
thing-- the unspoken declaration that you're good enough, and worth it 
enough, and confident enough that you don't need to show off.

Besides, women who dress scantily (men-- it depends....)make me nervous. I'm 
always worried bits of them are going to fall out in public and I'll choke 
trying not to laugh.