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Re: Re: Peter Mulvey...

In a message dated 5/23/99 5:12:01 PM, dantemm at erinet_com wrote:

>I wrote:
>>Any good?  What type of music?  Any website with sound samples?
>hmmm... found it...
>In the midst of "Grace."  I like it... heck, I think I'll go to the July
>5th Mulvey show... :)

YESYESYES! Peter Mulvey RAWKS! I have a couple of his CDs, and I'm dragging 
several friends to his show in Delaware. I first heard him at Emery 96, and 
after the show I had the pleasure of chatting with him a bit and getting him 
to sign my CD. He's delightfully polite and friendly.

Just to hint at how much I liked his stuff: when he'd finished playing, I 
made a dash for the lobby to grab some CDs. I was so determined, I clung 
tenaciously to the table even though it meant missing OtR taking the stage. I 
bought Rapture and I listen to it all the time. I also have Deep Blue, and 
the two of them generally live in my CD wallet so they can schlepp along with 
me. I've waited three years now to see him again, and I'm definitely doing 
the Happy Dance. Or I would be if I hadn't just eaten.

So, er...yeah. I'd recommend him.
