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Re: Star Wars (WARNING! Plot Points Revealed)

"Joshua M. Neds-Fox" <jnedsfox at moody_edu> sez:
>Hey all--
>Was anyone else who saw the movie this week struck by the humor in the fact
>that Darth Vader is also C-3PO's father?  Which makes C-3PO Luke's older
>DV:  " <amplified breathing> C-3PO... *I* am your father..."
>C3:  " (in uppity british tone) Good heavens, no!"

That, and the fact that in Episode 4, C-3PO gives no indication he's ever
been on Tatooine before.  Of course, they have 2 more episodes to explain
that away.
NP: Tori Amos - _From The Choirgirl Hotel_
cemery at columbus_rr.com - ICQ: 1388556
"I just made that up.  Sig me!" - Stacia

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