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Ruby Tuesday...

The song was ORIGINALLY performed in 1990, but, if I am correct, Ruby 
Tuesday was recorded this year -- I know that's when Ric recorded HIS 
parts, AND, like a few other songs, it's not live -- unless you 
consider it "live in the studio w/ later overdubs elsewhere", which 
also seems to be the case with I Will Remember, and maybe even Moth.

mr. shannon lee lewis
(706)542-0706 (work)
(706)548-6655 (home)
SLEWIS at libris_libs.uga.edu
whatisthis at geocities_com
"Perhaps it was the seed that the slow river planted 
in my ear as she plucked at the tight congregation of stones.
And the way the bank and the dark fringe of trees gathered
up the sound, folding in the bright territorial claims
of the morning birds." -- Steve Scott from The Question
Now Playing;  Olivia Tremor Control - "Black Foilage: 
Animation Music", 100 Portraits/Waterdeep - "Enter 
the Worship Circle", & Caedmon's Call - "40 Acres".